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Issue 8: Jul-Aug 1998


Beth Gott

Vic Cherikoff

Anne Dollin

Ken Dyer

Rob Fletcher

Beverly Randell

Steve Ross

This magazine is dedicated to those who knew these foods long before we were here.


Untitled painting from Shelly Smith of the Glasshouse Mountains, SE Qld. Please see story, page 2.

In this issue..

From the Editor


An Aboriginal Garden, Beth Gott

Research News, RIRDC Research updates

Notes, Native Basil

Olympic Call

Expressions of Interest

Broken Hill Project, Bushfoods out west

Bush Tucker Supply

National Body, Ken Dyer Reports

From the Groups, ARBIA. SBA& AQIA

Growing a Bushfood Enterprise, Vic Cherikoff

Good on you girls!

Suckers, Sex and Seedlings, Dr Barbara Randell

Commercialisation of New Crops, Rob Fletcher provokes some thought

Roo Backbone of Oz Cuisine?

Stingless Bees & Macadamia, Our mighy native pollinator

AQIA, Information sheets

From the Papers, News

Famous Palates, more name dropping

Backyard Bushfoods, Small is beautiful


More News


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