Fruits edible, up to 2cm diam, have a pleasant but rather sour aromatic taste, suitable for jam.  Eaten by birds.  Bushtucker potential.

ALPHITONIA EXCELSA Red Ash The attractively grained pinkish timber is used in cabinet making.  Aborigines used bark, roots and leaves as an infusion for medicinal purposes, and rubbed on the body as a linament.   Leaves were applied to sore eyes.   Leaves and berries were crushed to poison fish;  bush soap can be made by crushing and rubbing the leaves in water;  fruit attractive to numerous birds, especially cockatoos.  Host plant for the Large Green-banded Blue Butterfly.    Foliage palatable to stock. Contains  triterpenoid saponins, alphitonin, and tannins.

ALPINIA CAERULEA Native Ginger Young tips of roots are edible, comparable with other ginger species.  Pulp surounding seeds is also eaten.  Aboriginals used the broad leaves to wrap food before cooking and for roofing thatch.  Birds relish fruit.

ARCHONTOPHOENIX CUNNINGHAMIANA Bangalow or Piccabeen Palm Aborigines used the sheath of old leaves to make containers called pikki, hence the name pikkibeen or piccabeen.  The new leaf bud growth was eaten raw or cook.  Fruit attracts birds especially RF pigeon species.  Host for Yellow and  the Orange Palmdart Butterflys.

AUSTROMYRTUS DULCIS Midyim A species grown commercially for bushtucker.  Berries have pleasant flavour.  Relished by birds.

BAECKEA VIRGATA Twiggy Myrtle This species has potential as a filler in the flower trade.  Pioneers tried this as a substitute for tea.

BLECHNUM INDICUM Bungwall fern An important food of the Aborigines. Rhizomes were dug, bruised between stones, and roasted before eating.

BREYNIA OBLONGIFOLIA Native Coffee Small shrub which is the host for the Common Grass Yellow.  Fruit attracts birds

CALAMUS MUELLERI Lawyer or Wait-a-while Vine Climbing palm with edible fruit.  Young tips were chewed  by Aborigines, to cure stomach upsets.  They also used the long flexible spined tendrils to pull witchetty grubs from holes in timber..  The canes and leaves were used to make baskets and fish nets and traps.  Pioneers used the cane for making furniture and crab pots. Fruit attracts birds.

CAUSTIS BLAKEI Koala fern(trade name) Harvested from the wild as a filler for the flower trade.

CISSUS HYPOGLAUCA Native Grape or Water vine Edible fruit makes a good jam.  Aborigines ate this fruit raw and used the strong vines to aid in climbing trees.  Host plant or some species of Hawk moth and Joseph's Coat Moth.

CITRIOBATUS PAUCIFLORUS Orangethorn Reportedly eaten by Aborigines.

CLERODENDRUM FLORIBUNDUM Lolly bush Aborigines  believed these trees were an indication of a good underground water supply.  A decoction of wood was taken to relieve pain.  Dried branches were rubbed together as fire sticks.  Fruit eaten by birds.

COMMERSONIA BARTRAMIA Brown Kurrajong The tough fibruous bark was used to make ropes and fish nets and bags

CORDYLINE RUBRA Red-fruited Palm-Lilly Fruit was eaten by Aborigines and attracts birds.

CORYMBIA GUMMIFERAand INTERMEDIAI Red Bloodwood & Pink Bloodwood Flowers were soaked in water to make a sweet honey drink.  Sap was used to soak fishing lines in to prevent them from fraying.  Blossom attracts insects; bats; flying foxes; and honey eaters.  Useful timber tree.

CRYPTOCARYA SPECIES Native laurels Attract Blue Triangle Butterflys and others.  Fruit of these species are very attractive to birds.  

CYMBIDIUM MADIDUM Orchid (broad leaf) Aborigines chewed to bulb to cure stomach upsets.

DIANELLA CAERULEA Blue Flax Lilly The blue beries were eaten raw and roots were pounded and roasted.  Fibre from the leaves was used to make waistbands, nets, traps and bags.  Host plant for the Large Dingy Skipper Butterfly.

DIOSCOREA TRANSVERSA Native Yam Roots were usually cooked before eating. Plant reportedly used to treat skin cancer amongst some tribes.  Host plant for the Black and White Flat Butterfly.

DIOSPYROS SPECIES Native Ebeny Fruit of this species is reportedly edible and attracts birds.

DODONEA TRIQUETRA Native Hop Bush This species was successfully used by early settlers as a substitute for hops in the brewing process of beer.  

DRYPETES DEPLANCHEI Yellow Tulipwood The fruit has an edible flesh, and is attractive to birds.  Host plant for the Common Albatross Butterfly.  Closegrained timber suitable for woodwork and cabinetmaking.

EUPOMATIA LAURINA Bolwarra Fruit is edible and sweet tasting.  Attracts birds and other fauna.

FICUS CORONATA Sandpaper fig Aborigines ate the fruit raw, makes a good jam when fully ripe.  Rough leaves were used to smoooth off wooden bowls and weapon handles, and Papuan women used leaves to remove hairs from their legs.  The white milky sap was used to heal cuts and wounds.  Fruit eaten by many birds.

FLAGELLARIA INDICA Flagellaria Young parts of the vine were eaten and also crushed and mixed with water to relieve toothach, sore throat and chest complaints, and applied to sore eyes. The long canes were used to weave fish traps and nets.  Part of the plant was reportedly used to produce sterility in women. 

GAHNIA SPECIES Saw-sedge or Sword grass Aborigines pounded the seeds to produce a kind of flour.  Seeds eaten by birds.  Host plant for the Orange Ringlet, Northern Ringlet, and Donnysa Skipper butterflies.

JAGERA PSEUDORHUS Foambark The bark and leaves of this species contains saponins.  Aborigines soaked leaves in the wateholes to stun fish, these were eaten without ill effect from the poison   Seeds have very irritating hairs.  The saponins cause foam to run down the trunk of the tree during heavy rain.

LIVISTONA AUSTRALIS Cabbage palm Tender new leaf growth was eaten raw or cooked by Aborigines.  Leaves were used to make bags, baskets, and fish nets, and also as a thatch for shelter.  The fruit is eaten by birds. Pioneers used the leaves for making cabbage-palm hats.  Host plant for both the Yellow and Orange Palmdart Butterfly.

LOMANDRA LONGIFOLIA Mat rush Aborigines ate, and made a drink from the flowers of this species and ate the tender whitish new leaf growth.  Leaves were used for making dilly bags and baskets. Lomandra species are host plants for a number of Skipper butterfly species including the Symmomus Skipper.

MACARANGA TANARIUS Macaranga Aborigines used the leaf ash for medicinal purposes. The bark fibre was used to make a twine or string, and the timber was used to make fish spears.  Birds relish the black seeds.

MACLURA COCHINCHINENSIS Cockspur The orange bark from the roots of this species is much sought after for use in bark art. The orange fruit is edible and attracts birds. MEIOGYNE LEICHHARDTII Zig-zag Vine The orange fruit of this species is edible.  Host plant for the Fourbar Swordtail Butterfly.

MELALEUCA QUINQUENERVIA Paperbark Aborigines soaked flowers in water to make a sweet drink.  Bark was used as a food wrap, as a plate, also for thatch for shelters, and wrapping babies and the dead.  Leaves were soaked in hot water and used for medicinal purposes.  A good source of pollen for bee-keepers.  Timber,  turned upside down to stop borers,  has been for pylons on boat ramps and jettys.

MELASTOMA AFFINE Blue Tongue Fruit is edible, sweet and pleasant, however it causes a blue or blackening of the tongue.

PERSOONIA VIRGATA Geebung The fruit is edible and relished by birds.  This species has a potential as a filler in the flower trade and is under trial, but extremely difficult to propagate, it is harvested from the wild.

PETALOSTIGMA TRILOCHULARE Quinine berry The bark and fruit have reportedly  been used for medicinal purposes by Aborigines and early settlers.

PLATYSACE LANCEOLATA (trade name not known) This species has been cultivated and improved for use in the flower trade.

PTERIDIUM ESCULENTUM Bracken fern Aborigines reportedly made a bread from the underground rhizomes by pounding into a paste between stones and roasting.  Young stems, rubbed in, have been used by Aborigines for insect bite. A brew of leaf and stalks has reportedly been taken for the releief of rheumatism.  Leaves contain the Tapeworm-killing saponin, pteridin. SMILAX

GLYCIPHYLLA Wild Licorice This plant has been used for medicinal purposes by early settlers and Aborigines.   As a tonic and for coughs and chest complaints.  It contains the glycoside, glyciphyllin, which imparts a bitter-sweet taste.

SYZYGIUM LUEHMANNII Riberry One of the most promising bushtucker species.  Berries make excellent jellies, jams and sauces.  Birds relish the fruit. TROPHIS SCANDENS Burney vine The inner bark was used to make twine for fish nets, dilly bags and to make bark canoes.  the seeds were also eaten.

XANTHORRHOEA SPECIES Grass trees The nectar from the flower spike made a sweet drink by soaking in water.   The seeds were crushed to make a flour and the whitish tender leaf bases were eaten raw or cooked.  Gum or sap from around the roots was softened and mixed with charcoal and used as a type of glue to adhere axe-heads to handles and making other tools.  Spears were made from the flower spikes.  

ZIERIA SMITHII Sandfly Zieria Aborigines reputedly used this species for the relief of headache by sniffing the crushed plant.  It also reportedly,  has a use in chasing away mozzies and sandflys.  An essential oil, Safrole,  is probably present.линолеум tarkettаптека интернетоформление фотосессий