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Australian Native Foods Industry Ltd Factsheet


The Australian native foods industry continues to be small and fragmented, with many small and regional interest groups and a lack of recognition among the mainstream food industry. ANFI is a newly formed peak body, aimed at providing a national focus to the industry, and assisting in the coordination of regional activities.

To date ANFI has been directed by a steering group comprising people with experience in all facets of the native food industry (research and development, production, processing, manufacturing, Indigenous involvement, and marketing). 

ANFI is soon to be formally incorporated and the first work program will commence in 2006. It is appropriate to now seek a commitment from potential members.

What is the Role of ANFI?

ANFI is expected to have a broad involvement in developing the native foods industry on a national scale. This encompasses 
- national advocacy and lobbying on behalf of the industry
- supporting and identifying national research and development initiatives
- liaising with indigenous communities and organisations
- communicating national directions and developments
- national policy and support for quality and food safety issues
- facilitating and promoting commercialisation activities.

Specific objectives for the first few years of ANFI's work program are

  • to provide a national not-for-profit organisation structure for representation, advocacy, promotion and research and development in the plant based Australian Native Foods industry 
  • to provide a vehicle for undertaking research, market development and product development projects for the native food industry
  • to promote the international reputation of Australian native foods
  • to promote the interests of member organisations
  • to sponsor and conduct relevant national programs involving government and industry and to communicate funding opportunities to state, regional and industry members of the company 
  • to promote training, and skills development among members and stakeholders
  • to support economic development of Aboriginal communities through involvement in the native foods industry and to recognise Aboriginal culture and traditional Aboriginal involvement in harvesting and utilising indigenous foods
  • to promote and negotiate for the recognition of Australian native plant food products as legitimate foods with nutritional and functional benefits
  • to oversee the adoption of appropriate standards for food safety and quality assurance in all levels of the Australian native plant food industry 

Benefits to Members

  • Newsletters and regular information updates
    ANFI will circulate a quarterly native food industry newsletter and regular information bulletins to all members.
  • Access to ANFI research
    ANFI will undertake and disseminate industry research and will support members in developing research proposals and applications. ANFI will also encourage collaboration in research by linking potential research partners (businesses, individuals, groups and research agencies). 
  • Access to ANFI food safety and quality templates
    ANFI aims to be at the forefront in developing easy to use quality and food safety manuals and user templates, as the industry develops. These will be available to members at reduced rates.
  • Advocacy and lobbying on behalf of the industry
    ANFI will be positioned to represent the industry with a range of Commonwealth and State government agencies, international food regulatory bodies, Food Standards Australia and New Zealand (FSANZ), cooperative research centres, marketing authorities, and regional organisations.
  • Access to industry training 
    ANFI expects to take an active role in training accreditation and sponsorship.

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Australian Bushfoods magazine