Northern WA and NT

Acacia victoriae - wattle

Adansonia gregorii - Boab

Dioscorea spp - yams

Ficus racemosa - fig

Portulaca spp - Pigface

Solanum spp - Bush tomato

Syzygium spp - Lily pilly

Sterculia quadrifida - Peanut tree

Terminalia ferdinandiana - Kakadu plum


Plus (no links)

Buchanania arborescens -  Little gooseberry tree (a small slender tree native monsoon forests of northern Australia).

Buchanania obovata - Green plum
A small to medium sized understorey tree in woodland native to northern Australia. Very high in vitamin C.

Citrus gracilis - Humpty Doo Lime, or Kakadu Lime

A straggly shrub of eucalypt savannah woodlands of Northern Territory, Australia.
