Fruit T-Z

Terminalia ferdinandiana

Terminalia carpentariae

Photo from' Traditional Aboriginal Medicines'

Kakadu plum  

Family Combretaceae

General notes:

This sharp flavoured green plum has the world's highest recorded fruit content of vitamin C, and is found from Katherine to the Kimberly, in pockets nearer the coast. It has a mild apricot-flavour and fruit are olive-sized. A hardy tree.

Edible portion:


Harvest period:

Mar - Jul

Yrs to maturity:



Small tree

Natural Distribution/Growing conditions:

A top end tree which is found generally in open forests, on hillsides and along riverbanks.

Climatic/microclimatic conditions:

Widely distributed throughout the wet/dry tropics of northern Australia.

Management reference:

According to a study by Brian Woods (Uni of the Northern Territory), the tree is smaller and more compact, has a larger canopy cover and yields more fruit when grown under some form of cultivation. Reducing competition also enhances fruit production. Variability was also observed in seedling characteristics, such as resistance to Pythium spp., in the shape and weight of the fruit, in the nutrient content of the leaves and in the Vitamin C content of the fruit (ranging from 0.2 to 5.9%). This variability was associated with the cross-pollinated form of reproduction of the species. For commercial plantings, vegetative propagation of superior trees would be necessary. He states that future commercial propagation will depend on grafting or the development of a tissue culture procedure.

Traditional Aboriginal Use 

Fruit eaten



Yield at maturity:




Supplied as:

Fresh, frozen

Typical value adding:

The flesh can be simply cut from the seed and used as a garnish for fish or added to sauces or fruit compotes. The whole plums pickle well in hot vinegar flavoured with native herbs. Has been used in a name brand ice cream.

Current purchasing price:


Perceived demand:



New Crops

Food Standards Australia
